Hosting a Summit with Mary Davis

October 18, 2024

Episode 171

Hosting a Summit with Mary Davis

In this episode of the Craft to Career podcast, Elizabeth  interviews Mary Davis, who shares her experience hosting a successful free-motion quilting summit. They discuss the challenges and lessons learned from both the first and second years of the event, emphasizing the importance of email list building and effective marketing strategies.


  • Summit Success: Mary hosted a free-motion quilting summit to provide tutorials and build her email list.
  • Email Focus: The primary goal was to grow email contacts for future marketing.
  •  Platform Change: Transitioned from WordPress to Thrivecart for smoother operations after initial challenges.
  •  Learning Curve: Mary shared her struggles with tech issues during the first summit and how she overcame them.
  • Community Feedback: Positive responses from attendees motivated her to host the summit again despite earlier setbacks.
  • Lead Magnets: Teachers contributed lead magnets to gather emails from participants.
  •  Sharing Knowledge: The episode emphasizes the value of learning from both successes and failures in business.

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