Fabric Artist and College Athlete – Trey Stewart

January 19, 2024

Episode 139

Fabric Artist and College Athlete- Trey Stewart

Fabric Artist and College Athlete: Trey Stewart is a basketball player at Brigham Young University and a sewer. He up-cycles quilts, turning them into clothing for professional athletes. This new entrepreneur has big dreams for his business! In episode 139, Trey shares his art and how he got into the creative industry. Hearing his dreams and journey really feed my creativity and I hope it does the same for you! 

In this episode Trey gives shares:

  • Introduces who he is and what he does. He is a psychology major, basketball player and fabric artist.  
  • Trey shares how he first learned to sew and when he fell in love with it. Hie auntie gave him a Cricket machine and sparked his sewing interest. She is his sewing buddy, who offers advice and they share projects with.
  • He served a mission, sharing about Jesus Christ, for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He served two years in England, Washington and Oregon. This mission taught him many formative things that shaped who he is today. 
  • Trey held a fashion show. The owner of the Utah Jazz, Ryan Smith, came and loved what he did. He asked him to make something for Dwyane Wade, whom he admires. From that point, he has been able to connect with many others. Trey loves to express himself and share his mind with the world through his sewing art. 
  • Find out which celebrities Trey would love to make clothing for!
  • Trey shares where he finds the fabric and quilts to make his clothing with. He loves using fabric that has already had a purpose and has a story. Trey enjoys the rich history behind it and loves to bring it to life with something new. He loves the up-cycling/ repurposing aspect of his clothing/art.
  • He started a company called Default Happiness, which started with shoes and has evolved into clothing. 
  • Trey explains NIL’s. He made individualized warmup hoodies for his team.
  • What is the hardest part of starting a business? 
  • He also tells us what the mist rewarding part of starting a business has been.
  • His parting advice for this who are wanting to make their craft into a career: Make art and sread love! Act on your ideas and take risks, Make your ideas come to life and lift society. 

Trey's resources

Fabric Artist and College Athlete, Trey Stewart: Where can you find out more? He has a new Wonka line releasing soon! Take a look at what Trey does and follow him here:

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