Becoming a Creative Professional

February 2, 2024

Episode 141

Becoming a Creative Professional

Elizabeth Chappell of Quilters Candy shares what steps to take to become a creative professional. To earn an income as a creative, there are strategies that will help you. Knowing what market to sell in, how to stand out in a crowd, and how to find customers is what you will learn in this episode of the Craft to Career Podcast. Today I take a deep dive into how to take your craft and make it a career. 


In this episode Elizabeth shares 5 things that can help you to become a creative professional:

  1. Find a market that has a niche audience. You want to find a place that people are already gathering and spending money.
  2. Find a void in the market and make what you offer unique. Create a niche within that niche. This is pivotal to your success. 
  3. Create your product or your service…this is where business strategy comes into play. Feedback, surveys, doing some research into what you want to offer before you invest money and too much time. Collaboration is next. After you get feedback, send your product to influencers who would be willing to share about it if they like it. A rising tide lifts all boats. If you have a service such as a course, coaching or membership, the process is similar. After you have done your best to create your course and have launched it and tried it out…at some point you may want to consider hiring a course content creator to help you tweak and get your course to be the best that it can be. 
  4. Then comes the long haul. My biggest bit of advice here is to don’t add more to your plate! As an entrepreneur you will want to because you will have a million ideas! However, narrow it back and offer one core thing. Focus your energy and create the best one core thing that you can. Keep learning, growing and getting better, but hyper focus. Also, having word of mouth and testimonials will be big helps in your growth. 
  5. How do you get an audience? Please use the free resources. YouTube, Instagram, Podcasts, Facebook etc are all free tools that really are pretty important to your marketing and growing your audience. If you are offering a service and don;t necessarily need a following, reach out to many people. At first, offer free services as word is spread and you start growing, you can charge. Share, share, share some more and your audience will grow. 

Want a apply for a FREE coaching session?

Starting February 2, I am opening a few 45 minute business coaching spots for my podcast listeners! It can be a private session, or we can record it and have it be a future podcast episode. I love doing this for two reasons. First, I love to connect with my listeners, and help them. Two, it gives me good insight into what my listeners are struggling with. I want to provide helpful and applicable content. 

To qualify for a free coaching session you must do two things before February 29, 2024. 

  1. Leave a review on Apple Podcast or Spotify.
  2. Email me at: and let me know you have left a review and would like to enter the coaching call drawing. 

I will announce the winners on the first podcast episode in March 2024! 

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Review of the week

Rebecca of Spinning Wheel Quilts 

An emailed review! 

“You are my podcast friend… you are always encouraging me to follow my dreams…” Hear her full review on the podcast! 


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