Quilt Pattern Design with Lindsey of Pen and Paper Patterns

October 20, 2023

Episode 130

Quilt Pattern Design with Lindsey of Pen and Paper Patterns

I am happy to have Lindsey on episode 130. Quilt Pattern Design with Lindsey of Pen and Paper Patterns on the podcast! Lindsey is a talented pattern designer who shares how her career started and how she has grown and evolved as a business owner. Hear what has worked for her, what she has been intentional about and how things have unfolded since her start in 2016. This will be an insightful episode for new creative business owners and pattern designers a like!  

In this episode Lindsey gives insight on:

  • How she gained an interest in quilting. She shares her story and how she became obsessed with quilting after taking a class in 2010. 
  • She shares about her mother, who is also part of the quilting community and how her interested in sewing came from her as she sewed for her as a child. See the fun Rainbow Bright Costume she made for her below! 
  • She shares about the peak of the modern quilt movement, based on her experience back in 2010. Lindsey shares what the modern quilt looked like…
  • We talk about her unique quilt patterns design style. Lindsey describes her style as whimsical and theme based and how she has always gravitated toward more of a fun “juvenile” style. 
  • We talk about how there is room for everyone and everyone’s creative interpretations. Going along with that, we also talk about when lines may be crossed and what may be “copying” in designs and patterns.
  • Lindsey shares who she has hired to be on her Pen and Paper Patterns team and how this has helped her in her business.
  • Does she sell anything else besides patterns? Yes! Lindsey talks about glue tips which aids in sewing and she uses for piecing instead of pins! See below for a link to find out more! 
  • She talks about where she has seen the most growth in social media. 
  • We talk about sales. What patterns have been most successful and why. Lindsey shares that her Sparrow pattern has sold the best and her thoughts about why this might be so.
  • She shares what has been the most fulfilling, or her most favorite part of what she does. 
  • We talk about color schemes and pallets.  Lindsey talks about why she does not necessarily always stick with the same color scheme for her patterns. Why she thinks that using different color schemes in examples is beneficial. 
  • Lindsey shares what the hardest part of creating a creative career has been. Hint: it has to do with social media. 
  • She has done such a good job with her pictorial niche- was this intentional with her brand from the beginning? She shares about creating invitations on Etsy way back and how she has always loved to take a theme or something she is inspired by and make it creative. 
  • She shares her advice for anyone who is starting a creative business. She suggests to build a website and get a newsletter going! More people will see our emails than your social media for sales. 

Lindsey's resources


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