Emily Connors of The Creative Bodega

August 11, 2023

121. Emily Connor of The Creative Bodega

Emily Connors of THe Creative Bodega

Emily Connors of The Creative Bodega: Creative course creator for female “solopreneurs”, Emily Connors, helps businesses connect and convert their audiences on social media. She is an insightful help for anyone who wants to excel and grow their online business. She teaches you how to save and organize your time, simplify your workflow and help your online presence. Join us on episode 121 as we delve into how her business came to be, her helpful advice as well as what she offers to business owners looking to grow! 

In this episode Emily gives insight on:

  • Trading time for money. How she balances making money with what she really wants to focus on and see’s as most important. 
  • Do you as a female business owner have feelings of shame earning high dollar? we talk about this and how caring for your people and producing good products equals success….and there is no shame in that! 
  • Emily shares her business journey. Where did she start and how did she get to this point in her career? 
  • She shares how he started Canva courses! Emily took a class on how to make an online course, and six months later, she was launching her first course. She shares what she did on those six months to build up her presence and prepare for her launch…including hosting a Course Evaluation Call for better insight as to what to offer and course preparation for the desired audience. 
  • Emily is a great organizer. She shares how to strategize and organize yourself as a business/owner in her course. Some of the things Emily uses to help her automate and batch is also discussed. As with most successful businesses, you can’t do it ALL on your own. She has a VA that assists her with some of her workload including responding to DM’s and comments on her Instagram feed.
  • We talk about monthly income and what her revenue stream is. She shares about what she offers, including her Alumni Membership, ongoing courses and her twice yearly Signature Course. 
  • Emily is a big proponent for therapy. She shares about some of her experiences with therapy throughout her life and as a business owner and mother. There is no shame in doing something for yourself that will help you get to where you want to be. Also, a large piece of success is a mental game! If you are lacking confidence, that is something that you need to work on…do the interpersonal work and it will pay off in so many areas of your life. We also discuss “unfollowing” those who you find you are comparing yourself or your business to and follow people who make you feel good and bring you up. 
  • Emily shares advice for common struggles she hears from clients. We cover topics such as being overwhelmed and not knowing where to start, setting boundaries and “not having enough time”.

Emily Connors of The Creative Bodega

Take a look at Emily’s resources:

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