How To Start a Business and What I’m Up To

March 15, 2024

Podcast 147

How to start a business and what I'm up to

The two budget questions I get: What do I do if I’m just starting my business? And what am I doing and focusing on with my business at the moment ?
I share answer for both of these. First, what are the absolute must-do things if you’re just beginning. 
And then take a behind the scenes look at my thinking for my business. What’s my next step? What are my dreams and goals? What am I focusing on now?
Learn how to turn your craft into a career, both at the beginning stages and further in. 

In this episode I give insight on:

What is the very first things that you should do a a new business owner?

  1. Start your business out with what you are passionate about. Pick one thing. Figure out a product you’d like to sell. 
  2. Do a bit if research to make sure that it is doable. 
  3. Then go to the bank and open a business bank account.
  4. Open up a credit card, pay it off monthly, and use it strictly for business. 
  5. Google how you can pay taxes and set up a business in your state or country. 
  6. Now you are ready to accept money, so you will need a website. I use Shopify for my patterns and Kajabi for my membership and education courses. Use these or find one you like! 

What am I doing now? 

  • My goals in 2023 vs 2024. I had a dollar amount goal in 2023, and it was burning me out. It wasn’t fulfilling or making me happy. I talk about what I wanted to change in 2024.
  • I share what I am doing now. I needed to slow down and spend more time with family. I am learning I can “unsubscribe” to the “go-go culture”. I learned how to say no and say yes to the things that light me up.
  • What does my business look like now? I have a fabric line coming out in June and another one sometime after that. There will be 6 mini patterns released in June that combine to make one big pattern. I am hiring out things I don’t want to do. Recently, I have focused more on my IG and brand…and by doing this, I have also grown my email list. I am thinking of my long tern goals, building a foundation on a good brand and knowledge. I also have some collaborations I am excited about and more!
  • I am doing what I want and focusing on what I love and that sparks joy. Great things open up when you are true to what you love! 

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Not just for quilters!

I just found this podcast today and I am currently binge-listening 😊. I am an artist who sells note cards, greeting cards, calendars, etc. The tips Elizabeth shares are applicable to any type of creative entrepreneur. While listening to her episode about the power of story, I took so many notes. I’m excited to use her suggestions to improve the quality of my monthly newsletters. I can’t wait to continue making my way through her other episodes!


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