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Piss People OFf

Elizabeth Chappell with the title: Piss People Off on a pink background

Piss People Off

Piss People Off. Yes, you read that right! What am I talking about? What does this mean?When you put yourself and your business out there, sometimes there might be people who feel threatened or may be “nay-sayers”. BUT- it’s okay! There will always be those who criticize, judge or feel jealous. Criticism can be educational, or it can be damming, depending on how you deal with it.  In this episode, I talk about how to handle criticism, and use that criticism as fuel to move forward and be successful. You will learn how to have courage, give yourself grace and and do what you are passionate about. Spin that criticism to work for you and don’t be afraid to piss people off!  

I cover the following in this episode:

  • Don’t be afraid of annoying people with your product. Remember the purpose of your business is to find the people who want your product and to learn how to market and share what you are offering. 
  • How to handle hurtful criticism and how to avoid “feeding that fire”. How to not let it destroy you or your progress.
  • What I have learned so far about criticism and how not focusing on or bringing attention to negative things that are said. 
  • Don’t let your mistakes or others criticism define you. Criticism happens. Expect it.  If it is something that you can learn from and grow with do it. If not, let it roll off your back and leave it behind. Doing this will help you to be more confident. 
  • Being honest and transparent with your audience. It’s ok that you are not yet an expert yet or you are self taught. Own it. 
  • We are a creative people and there is always going to be the “next thing’. There is room enough for everyone. 
  • You bring great things to the table. You have a lot to offer. We are human and imperfect. How to give yourself grace.
  • I talk about our emotional responses and how we should not feel bad about our emotions. It is what we do with our emotions that matters. How to work through those emotions in a positive way.
  • When all is said and done….would you rather have gone through life worried about pleasing other people so much that you were afraid to do anything? Don’t skate through life afraid of ruffling feathers. Do the thing you are called to do! 

Have the audacity to put yourself out there. Let everyone know that you have something good to offer the world. Have courage, move forward and piss people off! 



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