What next: Coaching with Aynex Quilts
A winner of a free one-on-one coaching call, Aynex Quilts, shares her professional life and her creative career. She is a true artist who wants to help others tap into their inner artist and express themselves with their quilts. We explore what to do for growing her creative business. Aynex has a great niche and product, and we talk about her dreams, ideas and her perspective as an artist.
In this episode Elizabeth and Aynex discuss:
- Aynex introduces herself. She is from Puerto Rico and has been quilting 20 years and is ready to turn her art into a part-time business.
- Aynex expresses that she needs help focusing on the one thing. She has a full tine job as a web creator is selling print on demand and is interested in starting to teach some quilting classes. We talk about the power of the niche.
- We talk about art quilts, how her art quilts are foundation paper pieced, and she expresses that she would love to teach others how to make these art quilts virtually or on demand.
- Elizabeth speaks to Aynex about growing her following on Instagram and how she can get the credit that she deserves. Elizabeth gives advice on having her showcase more of her quilts. Elizabeth also talks reel ideas as well as how she could create reels for her quilts, which will automatically intrigue others and give them a desire to learn how to do this themselves!
- They chat about courses…what she has done, what her ideas are for creating courses for art quilts. They discuss the pros and cons of having your own platform verses posting classes to Skillshare.
- Aynex talks about quilt guilds and lectures and Elizabeth shares advice.
- A question that Aynex has for Elizabeth. She wonders what her recommendation is on reaching an audience of art buyers, not just quilters. Elizabeth shares some thoughts.
- Most of Aynex’s posts are current projects. She poses the question about how she would make Instagram reels if her next project, for Quilt National, cannot be shown beforehand. Elizabeth gives examples and reel ideas to keep her consistency and interest going.
- Aynex would like to help provide opportunities for others not to imitate, but to use their creativity to create their own designs for quilts. They talk about hand sketch courses as well as courses offered using Adobe.
- Elizabeth highlights her next step recommendations which are growing her audience, and trying out new avenues for teaching. She recommends that she starts putting together courses, starting out with something very simple first to teach the concepts.
Where can you find Aynex?
Take a look at Aynex’s gorgeous quilts- they are amazing! Give her a follow on Instagram and check out her website below.

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