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50,000 + Followers in a Month


50,000 + Followers in a Month

 It took me 7 years to get 45,000 followers on Instagram. Then in one month I gained over 50,000 followers! What made the difference? How did I do in one month what took me 7 years to do? Learn tangible, take-away tips to help you grow your audience on Instagram. Growing a following on social media is one of the best (and free) ways to market your business. And yes! There are tips that will help you have more success. Listen to the ups and downs of growing a social media following with me.
After taking some courses with Nicole of Gardenary Co and learning more about Instagram, I am now at 111,000 followers! What took me 7 years to build, I was able to replicate in about one month! I want to share how I grew my Instagram with you! 

In this episode I give insight on:

  • Signing up and taking a course from someone who is selling and a few steps ahead of you. then ne sure to implement all you learn! 
  • Controversial posts- my experience with this. What I thought was going to be a productive conversation ended up being extreme and divisive. I produced a monster that I was’t prepared for. I wouldn’t do it again…BUT I do think it played a part in my Instagram growth and I will explain.
  • Consistency is key! I started posting on Instagram every day. It is like a rolling snowball. One day you it might not go so well, but the next it might! I share what reels have worked for me. 
  • I learned that we should be posting 4 different types of content. 1. Educate 2. Entertain 3. Showcase and 4.  Invite. I go into detail in each of these post categories. 
  • Another tip- don’t sell anything on your Instagram. Share your link every once in awhile. A good thing to do to drive sales is to offer free events or free things and then have an up-sale. 
  • I talk about keywords and SEO. Be sure to add those words on your reel or in your caption. This helps the algorithm and help to out your reels in front of eyes that may want to become a follower.  
  • Look to those who are succeeding. Notice their reels and what has worked well. Put your own creative spin on it. Also a hook phrase to capture attention is also very helpful. 
  • I share that I use and Flo Desk for my email and marketing provider. 
  • When it comes to reels…Put aside the “what if” fears, be true to yourself, stand out, be willing to do things that feel a little out of your comfort zone and know you wont please everyone, and that is okay. Also, be real- no filters! Show up as you and it pays off. 

Resources mentioned in 50,000+ Followers In a Month

Take a look at:

Receive 50% off your first year when you sign up with Flo Desk through my affiliate link! Sign up HERE  

The reel I created, which has over 3 million views, that is talked about in the podcast. 
Check out Nicole of Gardenary who teaches the course I took! 
One on One Coaching:
ALSO don’t forget to leave a review and then shoot me an email at: to be entered into the drawing for a One on One Coaching Call! Please submit by the end of February 2024. Winners will be announced during the first podcast in March. 

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Review of the week

Quilt All Day, 02/04/2024

My Favorite!!!

I have listened to every episode, some more than once, and it’s my Friday – after – work – commute – treat! Elizabeth gives such valuable craft business information, is encouraging, and has great guests that inspire! Whether it’s future business planning, thinking through current issues, or marketing / instagram help and ideas, there is a wealth of information here. I’m so thankful that she shares her knowledge and insight – it’s my favorite podcast!

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