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Pinterest For Your Business

Pinterest for your Business with Kate Ahl

Pinterest marketing expert, Kate Ahl, helps others intergrate Pinterest into their business without the overwhelm. In today’s episode, Pinterest For Your Business, Kate shares helpful advice and guidance on how you can use Pinterest to help you market and grow your business. She dives in to all things Pinterest and really breaks it down for us to see just how to use it and the value of Pinterest for global business. 

Pinterest For Your Business

In episode 106, Kate shares valuable and tangible take aways to guide through the Pinterest world. She covers the following:

  • Kate dives right in and shares her history with Pinterest and what brought her to starting her business. Since 2014, her team has grown to almost 30 and she loves teaching and helping people make the leap to Pinterest marketing.
  • She covers what kind of success a quilt patterns designer can have on Pinterest. Kate shares how tailoring to the beginning stages of the search is the mindset you want to be in. Thinking of the mechanics of the process, what people would be searching for rather than your brand, to find the most success in pins. 
  • We talk about the beauty of the fact that Pinterest is a search engine and why that is so great for a business owner. Pinterest isn’t time based like social media. Pinterests life span goes up in value over time. 
  • Two key things about Pinterest users are: People don’t scroll- they have high intent. They are also open to anything they see that peaks their interest. Second, Pinterest is an introverts platform. She explains these two perks. 
  • We talk about SEO and algorithm. SEO is done through your description, board names, board descriptions and pin descriptions. These are all so important in searches.  

Pinterest Pins

  • What is Tailwind? Does she recommend using this or other scheduling tools? How often should you add pins?
  • How about joining communities, such as those in Tailwind? Is this recommended? Why not? Are they helpful in growing your audience? She answers all the questions. 
  • Wondering about the different kinds of pins there are out there? She shares and explains the four types of pin formats which are: Standard Pins, Idea Pins, Video Pins and Paid Ads. 
  • You should start by mastering the standard pin type. So what makes the perfect standard pin? Don’t miss the four essentials for an eye catching and successful pin. 
  • Are you curious to find out how much time one needs to spend on Pinterest each week to see results? She shares the time commitment. 
  • We talk about using the URL on pins and creating content. She also shares the importance of blog posts and how to come up with blog topics that can help with Pinterest and what people search to find you.
  • Pinterest Ads…should you? How ads work and how they can be complimentary to your social media. 
  • What she would want a business owner to know about Pinterest. 

Where Can You FInd Out More?

Besides taking on others Pinterest accounts, she can help in other ways as well. Simple Pin Media Marketing offers, courses, many products and an informative podcast! 

Check this all out here:

The Simple Pin Podcast

Find out more on her website, Simple Pin Media 


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