Quilters Candy

Bowl Cover Tutorial

Sharon of Prairie Love Knits shares how to make a bowl cover.

Do you love making bread? I’ve been on a kick lately making my own homemade bread- a good freshly baked loaf is the best! In this blog post, I am going to share a fast and easy tutorial for making bowl covers. When my dough is rising, I love using these bowl covers. They are not only functional but when sewn with your own chosen fabrics, are so pretty! They also make very thoughtful gifts for birthdays, as house-warming gifts, and more. I’ve also included my favorite honey whole wheat recipe bread in the downloadable PDF at the bottom of this post!

Let’s jump in!


  • stretch fabrics with at least 50% stretch
  • measuring tape
  • 0.25″ elastic
  • sewing clips
  • sewing machine/serger, thread, rotary cutter/scissors, erasable pen

Find a circular object that is about 2-3″ larger than your intended bowl diameter and using that as a template, trace the circumference onto the wrong side of the fabric. Fig 1.

Fig. 2

Cut out the circle with a rotary cutter or scissors. (Fig 2.)

Fig 3. Measure the circumference of the fabric using a measuring tape. Next, cut out a length of elastic that is 70% the circumference. For example, the circumference of my circle was 32″. Hence the length of elastic: 0.7 x 32″= 22.4″

Sew or serge the elastic ends together to form a loop. Fig. 4

On the wrong side of fabric, find and mark 4 quadrants of the circle with an erasable pen. Do the same with the elastic loop.Fig. 5

Match up the marks of the fabric and elastic and secure with sewing clips. Ensure that the elastic is not twisted Sew using a zigzag stitch or serge the elastic onto the fabric edge, carefully pulling the elastic to fit from point to point as you sew. (If serging, be sure to disengage the blade.)

Check out this video tutorial to see how the elastic is serged.

There you have it! Make a couple for you or as gifts for the avid baker!

Fabric: Prairie Love Knits


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