Becoming Educators, Gaining Confidence and Becoming “Good Enough”

September 13, 2024

episode 169

Becoming Educators, Gaining Confidence and Becoming "Good Enough"

Elizabeth Chapell interviews Kim Sandberg, an education manager at Handi Quilter, discussing her journey in the quilting community, the importance of confidence, and opportunities for women in the quilting industry.


  •  Educating Others: Kim emphasizes the importance of teaching and sharing knowledge in the quilting community.
  •  Networking Matters: Personal connections helped Kim land her role at Handy Quilter.
  •  Confidence is Key: Many women struggle with feeling “good enough” to teach; Kim encourages embracing one’s skills.
  •  Diverse Opportunities: Educators can find various paths in the quilting industry, including teaching and creating videos.
  • Income Potential: Educators can earn varying incomes, supporting both full-time careers and supplemental income.
  •  Encouraging Growth: Kim highlights the significance of nurturing confidence and skill in aspiring quilters.

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