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What We Don’t Talk About

134 What We Don't Talk About


My sister, Emily, recently mentioned to me that nobody talks about the crazy emotional up’s and down’s and experiences that new entrepreneurs go through at the beginning of their business journey. Emily is in the thick of it as she has recently embarked on her own business adventure. You will love to hear her very real and raw emotions and you will be able to relate to her experiences as she shares some personal stories about starting her business: Unlocking Bright Minds. 

In this episode Emily shares:

  • Hear what she is doing as a new business owner of a company called Unlocking Bright Minds. She shares abut her mental health workbook and what she would like to offer in the future.
  • She shares what her journey has looked like since she has taken the Craft to Career course and has completed her workbook. What has been good and what has been stressful along the way? 
  • Emily shares what her biggest stressor has been, which has been overcoming her own negative thoughts. How using tools to overcome negative self talk are used everyday as an entrepreneur. 
  • She talks about the crazy hour by hour, second to second business owners experience and all the emotions that come to play in trying to start a business.
  • Emily joined a master mind on the verge of giving up. She shares what her turning point was, the story of hiring a business coach and how she found the mastermind. 
  • Why the phrase “What do I need?” means so much to her and what the mastermind has helped her realize.
  • She talks about building a website and realizing that she can not do everything all by herself. Emily shares how she afforded to hire help early on. She mentions business loans and grants and how you should not wait too long to relieve that stress. 
  • We talk about Pinners Conference and she shares her personal experiences that led up to this…and how it almost didn’t happen! Hear her emotional raw story of what Pinners Conference was like, her booth and how she would not have made it without acts of service that others extended to her. You have to have helpers to start a business!
  • The emotions and mental drain of Pinners Conference and how she loved it and has never felt more alive! Hear what she means by this as she shares about her feelings of comparison, excitement, terrified bravery, joy in sharing… a rollercoaster in every way!
  • We talk about stopping ad appreciating the miracles and the things that are going well. Acknowledging those along the way changes your experience to awe inspiring. The importance of focusing on the things that are working out. 
  • She offers her words of wisdom for those in the beginning phases of business. Get support and embrace the ride!

Where can you find out more about Emily?

You can find out about Emily and her business here:

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