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Taking Care of your Mental and Physical Health with Taylor Ann Macey

Taking Care of your Mental and Physical Health with Taylor Ann Macey

Taylor Ann Macey is an autoimmune health coach who helps people improve their health both mentally and physically. I am excited to have her on the podcast!  In this episode, Taking Care of your Mental and Physical Health with Taylor Ann Macey, she shares insightful and tangible things that you can do to increase your energy, mental state and well being.  Taylor talks specifically about being an entrepreneur who struggles with chronic illness. She herself shares her story about her own autoimmune disease. However, do not think this episode wouldn’t apply to you because you do not deal with a chronic illness… This episode can apply to all of us! Self care and striving for optimal health is such an important part of being a successful business owner. Everyone can gain takeaways from the information Taylor offers for better health. You won’t want to miss episode 103! 

Taking Care of your Mental and Physical Health with Taylor Ann Macey

Some of the topics and things that we cover in this episode are:

  • Taylor introduces herself and what she does in the world! 
  • She talks about how chronic illness isn’t talked about much and people general don’t draw that much attention to as as one might with say cancer or even just having the flu. This leaves those dealing with it feeling alone. 
  • What are some of the common things that people deal with day in and day out that Taylor helps with?
  • Taylor shares her own story about her story and struggle with an autoimmune disease. She shares what it looked like when she found out that she has Neuromyelitis optica and how she came into her career. 
  • She talks about Neuromyelitis optica, what it does to the body and how she is doing since starting treatment. 
  • We talk about how we often don’t have any idea what people are struggling with. It is good to give people the benefit of the doubt when communicating, because you just don’t know. It is a good lesson to remember.

Taking Care of yourself

  • We talk about anti-inflammatory diet. When should you implement that and what do you do? Do you eliminate foods or do you just add to? Everyone is different. What she suggests doing that can make a substantial difference. 
  • Taylor has some essential basic health recommendations for those with autoimmune disease or not.  These include: 1.) Adding more protein to your diet. Protein is important for tissue repair. 2.) Eat more fiber, which is important for gut health. 3.) Drink a lot of water. Hydration is key for your body to work efficiently.  4.)  Exercise! Strength training and walking 8,000-10,000 steps helps with stress reduction, heart, muscle tone and so much more. 
  • She shares some of her favorite ways to get more protein in your diet. 
  • Taylor shares words of advice for those who have a chronic illness. Pacing yourself, not measuring yourself against others and self care are important. 
  • What does it look like for people who work with Taylor on health goals? She talks about what services she offers. 

Additional Show Notes

Where can you find Taylor, what she offers and her content? 

Here are some FREE helpful nutritional downloads: 

Listen to Taylor on her Podcast- Brain Diet 

Join her Facebook group- The Autoimmune Warrior Lifestyle

Her website Taylor Ann Macey Coaching

On Instagram @taylorannmacey


Join me next week and EVERY week for new content helping you turn your craft into a career. Subscribe to the Craft to Career Podcast below:



[Music] welcome to the craft to Career podcast with Elizabeth Chappell or every week we
dive into how you can turn your craft into a successful career get ready to have the career you’ve always dreamed of
[Music] welcome to episode 103 of the craft a
career podcast I am Elizabeth Chapel of Quilters candy and the host of the
podcast thank you all so much for your recent reviews of the podcast it has
been so helpful to get some amazing guests who are coming up on the show to
start off I am going to read one of the most recent reviews of the podcast this review says Elizabeth is a
wonderful podcast host and really gets into the details of the topics we all want to know about the quilting industry
she lifts the curtain and gives a behind the scenes look into the industry what works and what doesn’t her honesty is a
breath of fresh air and I look forward to what each episode will bring thank you Elizabeth for such an informative
and fun podcast I am so grateful for that review there wasn’t a name with
that review but whoever you are who left that review thank you so much I really appreciate it and I do I love to lift
the curtain and share the things that are going on in the industry what’s working what’s not to give you ideas of
how you can have success as a creative entrepreneur and this week I’m excited to bring
someone it’s very timely uh if you’re on my newsletter you saw a photo last week
that I shared of an autoimmune flare-up that I keep dealing with and this week
on the podcast we have Taylor and Macy she is an autoimmune disease coach she
helps people with their health both mentally and physically when they have autoimmune issues and if you’re like uh
I don’t have autoimmune issues this episode still pertains to you Taylor Ann
has some great insights into just our overall mental and physical health things that I mean sometimes it feels
like man why do I have this health that you have to deal with but it kind of forces me to have to think about things
but there are things to think about even if you don’t have an autoimmune problem or health concern that will help make
your life better your quality of life to just be better and Taylor and talks about those things she’s very insightful
she has a very interesting story of her own to share and actually I was recently a guest on Taylor Ann’s podcast called
brain diet podcast so you can go check her podcast out as well but now let me introduce you to Taylor Anne
well Taylor Ann I’m so excited to have you on the podcast I recently did an episode on your podcast and now I’m
excited to have you on the crafty career podcast so thank you thank you so much I’m so excited to be here yeah this is
actually very timely uh we’ll jump into war y actually first of all do you want
to introduce who you are and what you do in the in the world yeah what I do in the world
um yes my name is Taylor Ann Macy and I am a coach for women with autoimmune conditions I help them essentially lose
fat to feel better simplify their autoimmune wellness and really create the weight that they’ve always wanted so
yeah okay well okay so I didn’t realize that the weight aspect was part of it so
do you generally work with people who are happy with their weight but just want autoimmune help yes that there’s
definitely um clientele that fits into that category it kind of runs the gamut right because autoimmune Wellness isn’t just
what the scale says but oftentimes it can be affected by that and so it’s just a factor that I kind of emphasize
depending on people’s goals but health is more than just like losing weight it’s you know it’s much more
comprehensive than that and so it can really run the gamut but yes it all categories okay well okay so I was
saying it’s very timely but now I’ll jump into why now that people know what you do so I recently had an autoimmune
flare-up and I sent an email to my audience and just shared a photo and asked for I mean which was very
uh what’s the word bold of me because people are very you know they love to give advice but there is a there are a
lot of people in my audience who struggle with autoimmune more than I even knew and they were a very loving
and kind but um do you have any numbers or statistics
on how many people struggle with autoimmune issues you know I don’t have exact statistic numbers but just in my
personal experience in the field I have found similar to what you’ve discovered
is it’s much more common than people think and I think the reason for this is
we don’t necessarily talk about chronic conditions in the same way that we talk about things like you know terminal
illnesses or even just viruses or infections right those are things that we tend to say oh you know I’m sick with
the flu Oh you know my loved one is going through Cancer Treatments or things like that we talk about that a
little bit more um openly if you will whereas chronic illness us for whatever reason just
isn’t something that people draw as much attention to and so because of that I think that when
we have a diagnosis when we have a condition that it can be a little bit isolating because we think that we are
alone in it and that maybe there are not a lot of people in the world that can empathize when in reality it’s
incredibly common for people to have a variety of conditions that run a very
wide spectrum of severity but regardless I mean people all have different immune
systems and it’s it’s really common to have issues in a lot of different areas
yeah I mean I did not know a few years ago I was talking about autoimmune stuff with a friend and she’s like oh I have
autoimmune diabetes I didn’t know that was autoimmune yeah yeah it’s little
things like that that you just don’t really realize where it’s just the body kind of working against itself a little bit yeah yeah what are some of the more
common things that you’ve seen people deal with so I would say the vast majority that I
see um I see a lot of Hashimoto’s that’s one of the more common ones that I encounter
um and then less common but still common are things like lupus Ms rheumatoid
arthritis uh PCOS which kind of goes back and forth whether it’s labeled autoimmune or autoinflammatory but still
kind of Falls in a similar category at least in certain approaches um so those are kind of the big ones and
then there are some that are more rare mixed connective tissue disorder the condition that I have is called
neuromyelitis Optica and that is a much more rare condition but um yeah typically Hashimoto’s is the
one that I see the most but there are a lot of different kinds yeah interesting so I’m glad you touched on what you have
can you kind of share your story of first of all what what it looked like
when you found out you had this and then how you turn that into what you do as a for a career yeah totally so I studied
went to school for exercise and wellness nutrition it’s something that I’ve always been very passionate about and really had a lot of fun with and so I
was already in that realm of you know manipulating body composition and maximizing and optimizing health and
so I would consider myself previous to diagnosis a relatively healthy person right I’d
had two healthy pregnancies and overall was not Afflicted with any type of chronic condition and
my I have two kids and my youngest was about six months old and I had gotten a virus I just gotten
like a run-of-the-mill cold type of thing and this was in 2019. and I just woke up
one morning and couldn’t see like I opened my eyes and I couldn’t see and I tried to stand out I tried to
turn and sit up and stand get out of bed and I couldn’t I cut I couldn’t get my
balance enough to like stand up because I was so disoriented because I woke up and couldn’t see
and safe to say it was very alarming and jarring and confusing and
all of the emotions you can imagine especially as someone not that anyone ever expects to
you know encounter any type of drastic event in their health like this
but it just felt very out of left field for me and so
it sent me on a very rapid and frantic journey of appointments and scans and
visits and I was very lucky in that I I think I was able to get into the right specialists
at the right time with a lot of uh conditions really the the prognosis the the your
lifespan with it all of it is dependent upon how quickly you’re able to get care and that’s not universally true but for
for many the more quickly you can get on top of it typically the
the easier it is to manage right and so I was lucky in that I was able to get to where I needed to be relatively quickly
and it was probably you know a couple of weeks to where
I’d gotten into a neuropathologist a specialist that was looking at these scans of my brain and my spinal cord
and they you know they said we’re not qualified to give you an exact diagnosis but here’s kind of what we think it is
but we’re gonna get you scheduled with a specialist and all the things and so I got an appointment with a specialist
that was like eight months away and so again I’m like this is just what it is I I can’t do anything about this
and at the time I had a friend that happened to be working at a neurologist’s office and he said let me
take your scans let me show them to my the neurologist that I work for and we’ll see what we can do and I got a
call that same day from the neurologist and he said can you come to my office tomorrow before we open so it was like
rapid right and so yeah right what is he
seeing yes and all this time right my eyes still had not even close to stabilized I couldn’t not even close to
drive getting around my house was difficult like it was just such a everything just turned on its head right
and so this next morning it actually happened to be my husband’s birthday sorry
husband we drove to this office and we got this
diagnosis of this rare and aggressive autoimmune condition that’s called neuromyelitis Optica nmo for short
and the treatment for it there are few that are approved they’re FDA approved
but it’s it’s grown and changed a lot even in the last three or four years with treatment options and therapies and
things but the one that I’d started at the time was a chemotherapy drug so it’s an
infusion that um essentially you just do forever and
instead of having a three to five year lifespan you know it prolongs the time of
your life and how long you’re able to live with the condition and again because it was so early for me I feel like things are very optimistic for what
it’s going to look like for me so I’ve just been doing those infusions regularly for the last
uh three and a half years and anyway long story short
it really made me wonder there’s so much you can do with nutrition I knew that I’d done a lot of
it and how could I use what I knew to give myself every Advantage knowing that
there was still a lot that I couldn’t do like overall I took really good care of myself or I thought I did right
and still this happened and it wasn’t something that I could or could not have controlled as autoimmune conditions are
it’s not like we necessarily are at fault by any means it’s just something that happens and so it really got me
questioning okay what can I do how can I help myself
and how can I learn to mentally take care of myself when there are things
that I can’t control I can’t I can’t nourish my way out of certain symptoms and I can’t exercise my way out of the
flares and the things and so it really shifted my perspective on on
health and so that sent me on a path at the
time I was certified as a life coach and I was already working in mental health and thought work and um and then I already had my experience
in nutrition and all of that and so I was like I need to marry these two because I I want to be able to to teach
and share how you can eat and move to give yourself these advantages and then how to take care of your mind when it’s
out of your hands and so that was kind of what started it all for me was again feeling
isolated in my condition but also feeling like there’s so much that we can do that we often forget we we just we
think we’re just a victim to it and sometimes we want to be and that’s okay but just for our own sake I believe it’s so
important to take care of ourselves where we can whether it’s through diet whether it’s through mental health support and so that was kind of what
began you know the direction of my business at the time was you know my own story is
this often the case for many entrepreneurs I find right that’s true yeah so okay you mentioned something
ever so quickly and then moved on do people who normally have what you have as a nmo
um is it normally a three to five year lifespan so without treatment and I would say
again even in the last like two to three years the
the geography of the condition has changed dramatically and so it’s not quite as
morbid as it once was um but yes without treatment it’s very
aggressive and what what exactly is happening in the body
so the immune system is attacking the brain spinal cord and optic nerve and so the
condition leads to blindness and paralysis and then slowly other functions just because the spinal cord
is kind of the Hub of all things and so once those functions then shut down
everything else suffers and again that’s without treatment I don’t want this sounds so morbid there are a lot of
really great things that are available now and it continues to grow in its research and it’s um
optimism and so um but yes without it it’s it’s scary and so at the time you know I had these
two young kids and it was just like what what is my life now like it was just such a
such a surreal moment for a long time you know it took that first year was was a long a long dark year for sure
and so now with this uh chemo drug that you’re on do you experience these
symptoms still does your eyesight fully back to normal so it took about two years for my
eyesight to stabilize and it’s not fully back to normal but it has come a long
way I’m not even close to where I once was at the um at that initial episode
and so I was on a lot of different drugs to kind of try and stabilize things and I am at a really good place now
the therapy that I’m on doesn’t stop relapses and flares from happening
necessarily it just kind of prolongs the time between them and for me
um I’ve still had some symptoms arise over the last couple of years but I since that initial episode I haven’t had
any subsequent um really dramatic ones it’s just been little things that have kind of popped
up that I’m like all right this is the next hand i’m dealt that I just kind of have to figure out but but overall it’s
the therapy’s been working well enough for me to where I’m living pretty normally I would say
interesting it’s so interesting to hear this because again I look at you you
look beautiful put together you know you’ve got a great business going we just don’t often at all have any idea
what’s what people are struggling with and someone did actually reach out to me when I shared the photo of my flare-up
and she was like thank you just even for talking about it and again this is where I feel like this maybe if we don’t talk
about it because I don’t want to sound like poor me or like this victim or
whatever but at the same time it’s kind of nice to have a little bit of a conversation about it you know yeah and
that’s such a great point because that’s a comment that I have gotten often over the last years it’s like looking at you
you would you would never know and the truth is like that statement is applicable to everybody
whether it’s autoimmune or not it’s like you you just never know what people are going through and due to the more like
subdued nature of people’s dialogue about autoimmune conditions I think it especially applies where you do you just
see people on the surface and the way they look and the things they’re doing you see it on social media and you just never know and
so I think at least for me it’s been a good exercise the last couple years and
just giving people the benefit of the doubt and saying you know you never know what
they’re going through and maybe they’re having a bad day maybe that’s why they were unkind or you know said something
that wasn’t particularly thoughtful or whatever it’s just it’s been very humbling for me and I
think it’s been obviously great but that statement is really applicable to everybody and so it’s a
good lesson to to remember that you just never know yeah so I’m also curious because
um well because I I’m looking into all these sorts of
anti-inflammation diets and everything and I remember you saying that you like
to recommend adding things not taking out um and I’ve wondered about that because
what I mean maybe it’s different what if someone is like gluten intolerant at that point do they have to come out or
like is it better to just cut everything out and I what are your thoughts on all
that that’s such a great question and I think it’s really important to speak to because there is a little bit of nuance
to it so for someone that is having that either has had a diagnosis or is
thinking that maybe they are looking at a diagnosis of something like Celiac for example that is an obvious
like okay gluten needs to be eliminated right there are conditions that are that way
where it’s like pretty black and white you know one plus one equals two eliminate these types of things in order
to help manage it there are um
my general approach of adding before you subtract I’m not against subtracting I
just like to have it as kind of a last step of the process just because I think with a lot of conditions if you have
like a pyramid of things that are important in paying attention to and managing a condition a lot of times
eliminating certain things is kind of like in the top 20 percent of what to work on whereas at the bottom like the
80 of what needs to be paid attention to First is things like adding more protein
to your diet making sure that you’re getting enough fiber drinking enough water getting enough steps in the day and those types of things are kind of
the low-hanging fruit that can make a really substantial difference in a condition all before having to eliminate
something again oftentimes elimination of certain things is very important for autoimmune conditions but my Approach is
just that let’s make sure that we get a lot of the basics down first and then reassess what we think would be a next
to good step because at that point then it’s like yeah maybe we can eliminate some of the more common trigger foods and see what happens
I just find that sometimes eliminating everything from a diet can be really difficult for people sometimes it’s hard
to sustain it can be taxing on like an emotional mental state and family right there’s just a lot that goes into it and
so that’s kind of why I approach things the way that I do is I’m like let’s just really
emphasize the basics and see where that gets us because it can get you pretty far and then we can move up into more of
that nuanced section of the pyramid where we have more specific like okay what specifically does your body not
tolerate that we can work on eliminate and that way it doesn’t have to be so
so drastic and like changing everything you eat and every second of your day type of thing
well that is nice to hear because I’m like man that feels it’s life-altering
first of all food is a very social thing so anytime you go out you know like oh like I don’t know just all that
but then you have this health issue that feels life-altering in and of itself and then you’re gonna go and alter
everything you eat you know it just feels like can I just have some normalcy you know because it’s already so
overwhelming you’re exactly right is there so much that’s going on physically mentally emotionally that sometimes it’s
just too taxing to have to then like flip everything you know on its head
because it’s just yeah it can be overwhelming for sure so things that you said though the low
hanging fruit adding more protein fiber water exercise
yeah so I have some Basics that are always what I start with and
truly these are Basics that I think are important to any General layperson’s
Health but Health with an autoimmune condition is even more I don’t want to
use the word fragile because we aren’t fragile but it just takes a little bit more TLC a little bit more love right
and so the things that are important for any general person or even more important for those with an autoimmune
condition so the things that I recommend adding yes protein this is because protein is a
vital macronutrient for tissue repair and if we have tissues in our body that are injured even if it’s by our own
systems we need fuel to be able to repair that tissue and protein is also a great macronutrient when it comes to
Weight Management because it helps with um you know hunger cues and blood sugar and stronger bones and all the things
they’re protein is such a Powerhouse as are the other macronutrients but protein especially when it comes to tissue repair is really vital
so with people that have autoimmune conditions I always emphasize getting enough protein and it doesn’t have to be
weighing and measuring it everything it can be certainly but just getting a palm-sized serving of protein every time
you eat you can accumulate you know a substantial amount and give yourself
huge advantages just by eating a little bit more protein fiber is another one that is kind of one
of those basics of just like let’s just add a little bit here and one of the great things about adding protein adding fiber is
you can find things that you enjoy eating within that category right so again it’s not like we’re eliminating all the things that you love to eat you
just have to say if I want to get more protein what are things that I already love I can just add a little bit more of and so then when it comes to fiber
it’s really important for gut health oftentimes if we have things like Celiac or Crohn’s disease or IBS or something
that you know affects our digestive tract fiber can be really important in repairing the gut and it is something
that you kind of have to work with your doctor or a coach on because sometimes if you have inflammation in the gut and you add more fiber it can be a little
bit um more aggravating and so there’s a little bit of a balance there but generally speaking getting enough fiber
in the day is um really important for modulating the gut bacteria and just kind of helping
those internal systems work the way that they um they need to in order to best give you
an advantage with a condition and then the next thing is water and again it’s
so simple but just getting hydrated getting enough water in the day is so important for everything just to work a
little bit more smoothly in your body and so I I have all of like the the measurements of what to aim for I can
give you the link to put in the show notes just for it’s a free download for basic autoimmune nutrition
but um water’s definitely up there and then exercise for sure I am a huge
advocate of strength training but when I’m talking to people with autoimmune conditions steps being outside and walking like
really truly it is so powerful to
shoot for eight to ten thousand steps again not because those numbers are magical necessarily they’re arbitrary
numbers but the idea of being outside of moving your body it helps with circulation it helps with Stress Management and stress can be very
aggravating to autoimmune conditions um it helps with heart health and muscle
tone and there are just so many benefits to walking and it’s such a simple activity I say that with the caveat
because there are autoimmune conditions that can limit Mobility right things like Ms and the condition that I have
that can affect uh you know the ability to walk and so the alternative that I will recommend is
just being outside getting your feet into the ground you know moving to whatever your
um level of ability is um it doesn’t have to be that complicated
right now again I love strength training I’m a huge fan of it and for women that are able 100 you know do that as much as
you can in a very like strategic way but again the low hanging fruit that 80 is
just walking and you can do so much for yourself by just moving in that way so yeah those are kind of the basics that I
recommend that I start everyone with just to be like let’s see what we can do by implementing these small habits yeah
so what are some of your favorite ways to get more protein as we’re talking I’m like I need more so what peanut butter
like what what can we do that’s a good question and this is what I love about paying attention to macronutrients I
know that there is a lot of there are a lot of opinions online about like what diet is the right
diet and a lot of people will shame like the macro diet and
macronutrients isn’t a diet necessarily macronutrients are just in all of the food that we eat and each macronutrient
protein fiber I’m sorry protein carbohydrate and fat all play a different role in the body just like gas
plays a role in the car windshield wiper fluid oil they all play a different role and that’s what these macronutrients do
that’s why I emphasize protein is because it’s so important for tissue repair and when you start to pay attention to
getting more of a specific macronutrient you start to just learn what’s in your food and instead of being overwhelmed by
having to like change your diet so much you just are more informed to make strategic decisions right and so when
you start to learn about what’s in food it just empowers you to take care of yourself in a more mindful way so when
it comes to protein peanut butter is a common one that people think is like oh that’s a protein Source but typically
it’s considered more of a fat Source nuts are more fatty and so if you look at like the nutrition label there’s you
know anywhere between like five and eight grams of protein per serving and then there’s usually like 12 to 16 grams
of fat which again nothing wrong with nut Butters but if the name of the game is eating more protein then it might not
be the most strategic thing to reach for all the time so for me there are
a variety of protein sources it’s another thing that’s awesome is like you can find things that you like that
you just don’t even consider so typically for me things like Greek yogurt cottage cheese chicken breast
turkey breast pork um beef shrimp tofu protein powders
um they’re obviously meats are going to be more of a optimal source of protein but
a lot of people have an aversion to it or you know go the vegetarian route which is fine there are a lot of alternative options to meat that can
make getting protein relatively easy and so yeah things meats and tuna and
um I’m trying to think what I’ve missed tofu protein powders yeah things like that are there are a
lot of sources that oftentimes we forget are available to us that are like oh I wouldn’t mind eating that no big deal yeah yeah I’ve got to go do some because
that’s funny I was like oh almond butter or peanut butter so okay those are more
fats then and that’s okay there’s there’s something you’ve got to have them too but right yeah and there’s no
demonizing of foods that’s what at least I appreciate about learning macronutrients is it’s like no food our
body needs fat just like I said and fats and nut butter can be super awesome for our hormonal Health but if we’re looking
to eat more protein it’s like all right how can we just strategically choose something that might be a little bit different and still eat nut butter
sometimes because they’re delicious as a way of just making our life better when sometimes it feels like our life is
being taken from us right interesting all right well do you have like a list of your favorite I don’t know protein
powders or whatever food things yeah I can give you the link to that as well um
just of like protein sources right of um I’ve got a more comprehensive list than like off the top of my head that I can
give you the link for that’s super awesome and um as far as protein powders go
honestly I mean it really just depends on your preference your price range sometimes
they can be a little bit of an expense and to me that’s one that’s well worth paying for I love paying for protein
powders and protein drinks because I know that it’s a really easy way that I can get protein and even though it is a
little bit more expensive I’m like if that’s the price to pay of getting enough protein to like heal my body in an efficient way I’m game to pay that
and so um I kind of go back and forth with types that I like and types that I try
so really it’s just about like figuring out one finding one that you like trying ones that interest you and
luckily it doesn’t have to be like this or nothing else it’s like there’s a lot there’s a lot of options that are great there are that it overwhelms me a little
bit though I’m like um which one and then they’re like this is whey protein and I can’t remember if that’s good or
bad or you know all that so yeah and that can be a hard thing too just navigating a lot of the terms
and it’s kind of there’s a little bit of a learning curve with stuff like that whey protein is great it’s just the
source of the protein it’s kind of a dairy source of protein if you will whereas something like pea protein or
you know a more plant-based protein is just again for people that are looking to have a dairy-free approach or a
plant-based approach so there are lots of different options some protein powders can be higher in carbohydrates which again is fine unless you’re trying
to consume fewer so there’s just a learning curve of being like what can I look at what am I what are my goals and
how can I look at the options and just make the best choice and then assess afterward how I feel how it tastes you
know how it works for me yeah okay and then I’m curious specifically for my audience people who
are entrepreneurs who struggle with autoimmune do you have any words of encouragement for this
audience yeah so I have so much love for people with
chronic illness who are doing hard things like being an entrepreneur running businesses because
it requires you to show up on a regular basis when
sometimes no one’s asking you to show up being an entrepreneur is you being the boss of yourself and sometimes that can be difficult
and so for one it’s so impressive to be able to keep going when it’s hard
something that I think is important for entrepreneurs with autoimmune conditions to understand
is that sometimes the pace has to be different than perhaps what you expect of yourself
sometimes not even sometimes I think we all do this to a degree we put these expectations on ourselves of what we
think our day should look like what we think our task list should look like what we
think our business in general should look like whether it’s based on like our own you know made up stories what we
think it should look like or what other people are doing we think we should look like other people and we create these rules of what we
think it needs to be and for anyone that feels like they are not
Meeting those expectations I just want to challenge
them to consider that it’s okay to have to
just rewrite roles and adjust the pace because truly when you can
take the information that your body’s giving you and just make a very kind and loving decision I think it’s one of the
greatest opportunities to really develop a loving relationship with yourself because otherwise we just internally
beat ourselves up we’re like oh my gosh I’m not good enough and my body isn’t good enough and I can’t do all these things and right and no one blames you
for feeling that way I think it makes perfect sense why we think that way sometimes but when we can consistently
have circumstances be faced with circumstances that are challenging to us it then challenges our relationship with
ourselves to be able to say okay this is difficult this isn’t going to go as I expected how can I show up for myself
and develop an even more loving relationship how can I be extra kind to myself how can I really make sure that I
respond lovingly as I would someone else you know if a child came to you and was like I’m so sick mom you’d be like I
love you that’s okay we can adjust our day in order to help you right I think as
much as it’s challenging and we want to just beat ourselves up in a way it’s it’s an opportunity to to
Really better yourself to learn how to be kinder to yourself and so to take
those opportunities when your body is you know not doing exactly what you wanted or anticipated to say how can I
love myself instead of be upset about this well that is so beautifully said and I
I I this must be something you see a lot I know I struggle with this too if I’m
having a time where I’m just exhausted and I need to step back and it’s funny because when I’m out of that phase and
I’m like I have energy again I’m like man why did I beat myself up it’s fine you know but then when I’m in it I’m like oh I feel so guilty you know yeah
yeah it’s such a funny thing because I feel like I’m right in the middle of that right now where the last couple
weeks I’ve just been like down and out and I have had those moments where my brains wanted to be like oh my gosh this
is you’re such a lazy you know wanted to just be so mean and then I started to have more energy and I’m like
it was okay like I just had to have some down time like it’s no big deal and so the more self-awareness we can develop
about those types of things the easier it can be to recognize to be like you know what today I’m just out of charge I’m out of
batteries like and that’s okay I can just allow that because what’s the rush anyway like I I’m gonna keep going I
know I’m gonna keep showing up for myself when I’m ready so it’s okay for me to just adjust the pace that I might
have been planning on yeah and as an entrepreneur we get to do that you know like we are the boss it’s
kind of lovely because let’s say you say oh I’m going to launch this on this day and all of a sudden you get sick or
whatever so tell people oh we’re gonna change the date like it and it’s funny when I coach
other people and they’re like I just feel bad because I’m behind I’m like behind what relative to what yeah yeah
it’s your own self-imposed thing you know so in a way I guess it’s really
lovely for entrepreneurs because we can move the date if we need to you know and it’s not lazy it’s self-care right and
that’s the important part is to be able to look at those decisions to make them and then to have your back about them to
be like you know what I just did not have it wasn’t in the cards for me it isn’t in the cards for me right now and
that’s okay I’m doing a great job I’m so proud of myself for getting this far and I can change things I can push back
timelines I can adjust things and it’s going to be okay I’m so proud of how I’m still showing up even when it’s hard
yeah I love that so I’m curious what does it look like for people to work
with you yeah so I will work one-on-one with clients and take them through
based on their goals a very comprehensive Health transformation if you will
whether that’s related to weight or otherwise again I like to really work with for those that have the goal of
weight loss I like to work with them on Fat Loss right because weight loss and fat loss are two very different things
and so if that’s someone’s goal then that’s something that I’m really passionate about creating in a way where
you feel like you get to live your life you get to eat the foods you enjoy and you get to create the weight and the health that you want
um so I work with one-on-one clients to create the health that they want which is really awesome and then I also have a
21 day challenge that’s called eat better feel better how to kick start your autoimmune nutrition and for anyone
that is looking just to really get their foot in the door and start having some accountability and start to just
implementing some of these basic the low-hanging fruit that can be so powerful that’s a challenge that I really recommend people sign up for
because then they can get all the information on what they need and how to do it and then they can have support
from me as well um to be able to just get the ball rolling when it comes to
getting their nutrition the way that they want it to be is that that 21 day challenge do you offer that all the time or is it like
you you move everyone through the 21 days together at the same time great question so right now I offer it all of
the time so you can find all the information just at my website um and there are different options so
you can get a more individualized experience and work with me a little bit more closely but it is just on an individual basis that way you know you
don’t have to worry so much about the start and stop times you can just do it whenever is convenient for you and
um and it’s a really awesome way just to start again to get to know the foods
that you’re eating about what you can add and adjust in order to just help
yourself move further along in everything so that’s awesome okay well thank you so for our listeners who want
to find you where where can they find you yeah so you can check out my website all of the information
is there I am on Instagram Taylor and Macy and then I also have a podcast that
you are a guest on we love that episode and it is called brain diet it’s on all podcast platforms so you can search that
wherever you love to listen those are typically the three places where I
recommend accessing me or my content IG podcast and the website so yeah and
it’s Taylor and t-a-y-l-o-r-a-n-n no e at the end right
right right yeah and amazing yeah yeah there we are awesome well I
have really enjoyed this episode so if people if listeners are wondering in the show notes are you will have the
um we’ll have the downloads okay so I’m gonna give you the downloads for the protein and then for the basics so those
are I’ll just give you the links for those to have in the show notes and then anything else that needs to be there
perfect awesome well thank you so much for being on the podcast this was just a
pleasure to have you oh thank you so much [Music]
thank you so much for being here on the podcast Taylor Ann I loved chatting with you it’s very insightful to just hear
other people’s stories to realize my goodness sometimes things look just fine on the outside and we just never know
what’s going on behind the curtains and then to just hear some tangible things that we can do in our own lives to
increase our energy our well-being our mental state so thank you so much I know
for me I’ve left this with some actionable items that I’m going to do so thank you so much Taylor Anne and next
week we’ll be right back here on the crafty career podcast with a brand new episode I have a couple of guests lined
up and I’ve got an episode myself that’s coming up soon so be sure to subscribe to the podcast and you will be notified
when the new episodes come out I hope you have a lovely week and I will see you right back here next Friday on the
craft to Career podcast [Music]
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